Cases Tried In:

Accoceek County|City of Alexandria|Anne Arundel County|Arlington County|City of Baltimore|Baltimore County|Carroll County|City of Charlottesville|City of Chesapeake|Chesterfield County|Charles County|Clarke County|Culpeper County|Fairfax County|City of Falls Church|Fauquier County|Frederick County, MD|Frederick County, VA|City of Fredericksburg|Harford County|Henrico County|City of Hopewell|Howard County|Loudoun County|Montgomery County|City of Newport News|City of Norfolk|City of Petersburg|City of Portsmouth|Prince George's County|Prince William County|Queen Anne's County|City of Richmond|Roanoke County|Spotsylvania County|Stafford County|St. Mary's County|City of Suffolk|City of Virginia Beach|Washington County|Wicomico County|City of Williamsburg|City of Winchester|Accoceek County|City of Alexandria|Anne Arundel County|Arlington County|City of Baltimore|Baltimore County|Carroll County|City of Charlottesville|City of Chesapeake|Chesterfield County|Charles County|Clarke County|Culpeper County|Fairfax County|City of Falls Church|Fauquier County|Frederick County, MD|Frederick County, VA|City of Fredericksburg|Harford County|Henrico County|City of Hopewell|Howard County|Loudoun County|Montgomery County|City of Newport News|City of Norfolk|City of Petersburg|City of Portsmouth|Prince George's County|Prince William County|Queen Anne's County|City of Richmond|Roanoke County|Spotsylvania County|Stafford County|St. Mary's County|City of Suffolk|City of Virginia Beach|Washington County|Wicomico County|City of Williamsburg|City of Winchester|Accoceek County|City of Alexandria|Anne Arundel County|Arlington County|City of Baltimore|Baltimore County|Carroll County|City of Charlottesville|City of Chesapeake|Chesterfield County|Charles County|Clarke County|Culpeper County|Fairfax County|City of Falls Church|Fauquier County|Frederick County, MD|Frederick County, VA|City of Fredericksburg|Harford County|Henrico County|City of Hopewell|Howard County|Loudoun County|Montgomery County|City of Newport News|City of Norfolk|City of Petersburg|City of Portsmouth|Prince George's County|Prince William County|Queen Anne's County|City of Richmond|Roanoke County|Spotsylvania County|Stafford County|St. Mary's County|City of Suffolk|City of Virginia Beach|Washington County|Wicomico County|City of Williamsburg|City of Winchester|Accoceek County|City of Alexandria|Anne Arundel County|Arlington County|City of Baltimore|Baltimore County|Carroll County|City of Charlottesville|City of Chesapeake|Chesterfield County|Charles County|Clarke County|Culpeper County|Fairfax County|City of Falls Church|Fauquier County|Frederick County, MD|Frederick County, VA|City of Fredericksburg|Harford County|Henrico County|City of Hopewell|Howard County|Loudoun County|Montgomery County|City of Newport News|City of Norfolk|City of Petersburg|City of Portsmouth|Prince George's County|Prince William County|Queen Anne's County|City of Richmond|Roanoke County|Spotsylvania County|Stafford County|St. Mary's County|City of Suffolk|City of Virginia Beach|Washington County|Wicomico County|City of Williamsburg|City of Winchester|Accoceek County|City of Alexandria|Anne Arundel County|Arlington County|City of Baltimore|Baltimore County|Carroll County|City of Charlottesville|City of Chesapeake|Chesterfield County|Charles County|Clarke County|Culpeper County|Fairfax County|City of Falls Church|Fauquier County|Frederick County, MD|Frederick County, VA|City of Fredericksburg|Harford County|Henrico County|City of Hopewell|Howard County|Loudoun County|Montgomery County|City of Newport News|City of Norfolk|City of Petersburg|City of Portsmouth|Prince George's County|Prince William County|Queen Anne's County|City of Richmond|Roanoke County|Spotsylvania County|Stafford County|St. Mary's County|City of Suffolk|City of Virginia Beach|Washington County|Wicomico County|City of Williamsburg|City of Winchester|Accoceek County|City of Alexandria|Anne Arundel County|Arlington County|City of Baltimore|Baltimore County|Carroll County|City of Charlottesville|City of Chesapeake|Chesterfield County|Charles County|Clarke County|Culpeper County|Fairfax County|City of Falls Church|Fauquier County|Frederick County, MD|Frederick County, VA|City of Fredericksburg|Harford County|Henrico County|City of Hopewell|Howard County|Loudoun County|Montgomery County|City of Newport News|City of Norfolk|City of Petersburg|City of Portsmouth|Prince George's County|Prince William County|Queen Anne's County|City of Richmond|Roanoke County|Spotsylvania County|Stafford County|St. Mary's County|City of Suffolk|City of Virginia Beach|Washington County|Wicomico County|City of Williamsburg|City of Winchester|Accoceek County|City of Alexandria|Anne Arundel County|Arlington County|City of Baltimore|Baltimore County|Carroll County|City of Charlottesville|City of Chesapeake|Chesterfield County|Charles County|Clarke County|Culpeper County|Fairfax County|City of Falls Church|Fauquier County|Frederick County, MD|Frederick County, VA|City of Fredericksburg|Harford County|Henrico County|City of Hopewell|Howard County|Loudoun County|Montgomery County|City of Newport News|City of Norfolk|City of Petersburg|City of Portsmouth|Prince George's County|Prince William County|Queen Anne's County|City of Richmond|Roanoke County|Spotsylvania County|Stafford County|St. Mary's County|City of Suffolk|City of Virginia Beach|Washington County|Wicomico County|City of Williamsburg|City of Winchester|

Maryland 301-565-1655 Virginia 703-576-5005

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Recent Blog Posts

How to File a Car Accident Insurance Claim

 Posted on March 23, 2025 in Personal Injury

Loudoun County, VA personal injury attorneyHave you been struck and injured in a car accident? If so, you may have grounds to file a claim for compensation against the other driver. Filing a claim can be quite complicated, and if you do not know your rights, you risk stumbling into common pitfalls. A Maryland car accident lawyer can walk you through the steps of taking legal action.

At Whitlock Law, LLC, we have the resources and experience to support clients who have been injured in car accidents. When you work with our firm, you can rest assured that we will not take an easy settlement for less than what your claim is worth.

Get The Other Driver’s Insurance Information

After a crash, you may be left reeling from shock and pain. However, the actions you take after a collision are arguably some of the most important parts of the process of filing a claim.

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How a Virginia Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Benefit Your Case

 Posted on March 11, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Fairfax, VA criminal defense attorneyIf you have been arrested and charged with a crime in Virginia, you might be under a great deal of stress. Police and prosecutors may pressure you into admitting your guilt. They may even claim that they are trying to help you out. However, do not forget that you have the right to an attorney. With skilled legal representation, you can fight the charges against you in court.

At Whitlock Law, LLC, our Virginia criminal defense lawyers can support you through a difficult time. We will work to get the best possible outcome in your case through a combination of aggressive advocacy and smart negotiation.

Legal Advice

Most people are unfamiliar with the inner workings of the justice system. If you do not know your rights while in police custody, you could end up incriminating yourself by complete accident. This is why most attorneys will advise you to call them as soon as possible after an arrest.

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The Role of Dash Cams in Documenting Car Accidents

 Posted on February 28, 2025 in Car Accidents

Loudoun County, VA car crash injury lawyerDashboard-mounted cameras or "dash cams" can serve as vital evidence for documenting a car accident claim. While other forms of evidence can be disputed, dash cam footage can be hard to deny if it clearly shows how the accident happened. If you were injured in a car accident, a Maryland personal injury lawyer can make good use of your dashcam footage in your claim for compensation.

At Whitlock Law, LLC, we are here to protect your rights after a car wreck, using all available evidence to push for full compensation. We offer a small-firm experience, giving clients our individual attention with tenacious advocacy and sound counsel.

Why Negligence Matters

Only a few states, including Virginia and Maryland, use contributory negligence in car accidents. What this means is that if you are found to be even one percent at fault for a crash, you could be denied compensation by an insurance company.

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El Papel de Las Camaras de Tablero En La Documentacion de Accidentes Automovilisticos

 Posted on February 28, 2025 in Español

abodago de accidentes automovilisticos de Woodbridge, VALas cámaras montadas en el tablero o "dash cams" pueden server como evidencia vital para documentar un reclamo por accidente automovilístico. Aunque haigan otras formas de cuestionar evidencia, la imágenes de la cámara del tablero pueden ser dificiles de ngar si muestran claramente cómo ocurrió el accidente. Si resultó lesionado en un accidente automovilístico, un abogado de lesiones personales de Maryland puede hacer un buen uso de las imágenes de su cámara de tablero en su reclamo de compensación.

En Whitlock Law, estamos aquí para proteger sus derechos después de un accidente automovilístico, utilizando toda la evidencia disponible para exigir una compensación completa. Ofrecemos una experiencia de firma pequeña, brindando atención individual a los clientes con una defensa tenaz y un asesoramiento sólido.

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What Is The Statute of Limitations for a Car Accident Injury Lawsuit?

 Posted on February 20, 2025 in Car Accidents

Fairfax, VA car crash injury lawyerIf you have been injured in a car accident in Virginia, time is of the essence when it comes to getting compensation. You may only have a limited window to take legal action against the driver who caused you injury, and once that window is up, you might be out of luck. A Loudoun County, VA car accident attorney can help file a claim on your behalf and make sure all the paperwork is done correctly.

At Whitlock Law, LLC, we are highly familiar with personal injury law as it relates to car accidents. When you work with us, we will keep the statute of limitations in mind as we endeavor toward an efficient solution.

What Is The Statute of Limitations?

The statute of limitations is a time limit that restricts how long you have to take legal action against another person or entity. In Virginia, all car accident claims have a two-year statute of limitations. If you do not file a claim against the driver at fault before the statute of limitations runs out, you will not be able to pursue compensation for your damages.

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Penalties and Diversion for Drug Possession in Virginia

 Posted on February 12, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Fairfax, VA drug crimes defense lawyerIf you are caught with illegal substances in Virginia, the law can come down hard on you. The penalties for a possession charge in Virginia will vary based on different factors and, depending on the circumstances of your case, a judge might be more lenient or strict with your sentencing.. At Whitlock Law, LLC, we will take the circumstances of your arrest into account so that we can put up a strong defense on your behalf. Our Virginia criminal defense lawyers can help you strategize around a drug possession charge and negotiate for the best possible outcome in your case.

Drug Schedules

Illegal substances are categorized into six different schedules in Virginia, with Schedule I substances being the most dangerous and addictive. Possession of a Schedule I or II substance like heroin, LSD, or cocaine is a Class 5 felony. This is a serious offense, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $2,500 fine.

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What Is Contributory Negligence in a Car Accident Lawsuit?

 Posted on January 30, 2025 in Car Accidents

Fairfax, VA car crash attorneyEvery state has its own interpretation of negligence in car accident lawsuits. Most states use a model of comparative negligence, in which a plaintiff can get a portion of compensation even if he or she was partially at fault. 

Virginia has an all-or-nothing approach to car accident lawsuits, known as contributory negligence. This law is very strict and it could be used to deny you compensation if you were injured in a car wreck. At Whitlock Law, LLC, our Fairfax, VA personal injury attorneys can give you legal advice after a car accident and represent you in negotiations with insurance companies. When you work with us, you will receive individual attention from our small firm, getting the benefit of our advocacy and representation until your case is resolved.

Defining Contributory Negligence

In Virginia, contributory negligence applies to all personal injury claims, including car accident damages. Under contributory negligence, you cannot collect any compensation for a car accident if you shared fault for the crash. 

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Will I Go to Jail for Drunk Driving in Virginia?

 Posted on January 16, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Woodbridge, VA DUI defense lawyerA drunk driving offense is many people’s first brush with law enforcement. If you have maintained a clean record up until a DUI arrest, you might be terrified at the thought of a prison sentence after a conviction. Whether or not you will go to jail for DUI is highly dependent on the circumstances of your arrest.

If you have been charged with DUI in Virginia, the smartest thing you can do is to get in contact with a Loudoun County criminal defense attorney who can try to work out a strategy to have your charges reduced or dropped in court. At Whitlock Law, LLC, our lawyers are ready to safeguard your freedom with personalized representation and counsel.

First Offenses vs. Repeat Offenses

In Virginia, the courts are more likely to show lenience to a first-time DUI offender, provided there are no aggravating factors. Although DUI is a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to twelve months in jail, it is rare a judge will actually sentence you to incarceration on a first conviction. 

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¿Vale la pena contratar a un abogado después de un accidente automovilístico para su reclamo?

 Posted on January 13, 2025 in Español

abogado de accidentes automovilísticos del condado de Loudoun, VALas secuelas de un accidente automovilístico pueden dejarlos en un estado de pánico, ya que podría estar lidiando con un vehículo destrozado y lesiones al mismo tiempo. Es posible que se muestre reacio a agregar un abogado a la mezcla, después de todo, puede ser muy tentador ir directamente a la compañía de seguros para cerrar el caso mas pronto, pero es posible que descubra que conseguir representación legal para un accidente automovilístico es la major opción.

Un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos del condado de Loudoun, VA,  puede ayudar a superar los obstáculos para obtener una compensación justa después de un accidente automovilístico. En Whitlock Law, LLC, estamos determinados hacer las cosas bien para usted y responsabilizar al conductor negligente por sus daños. Nuestro bufete tiene un historial de asegurar la compensación justa para los clientes, incluyendo un acuerdo de $ 80,000 para un cliente en el condado de Fauquier que resultó herido en un accidente lateral.

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Is it Worth Hiring a Lawyer After a Car Accident for Your Claim?

 Posted on January 10, 2025 in Car Accidents

Fairfax, VA personal injury lawyerThe aftermath of a car accident can leave you in a state of pure panic, as you might be dealing with a totaled vehicle and injuries at the same time. You may be reluctant to add an attorney to the mix – after all, it can be sorely tempting to just go straight to the insurance company and be done with it – but you may find that seeking legal representation for a car accident is in your best interests.

A Loudoun County, VA car accident lawyer can help you overcome the hurdles to getting fair compensation after an auto wreck. At Whitlock Law, LLC, we are determined to make things right for you by holding the negligent driver responsible for your damages. Our firm has a history of securing rightful compensation for clients, including an $80,000 settlement for a client in Fauquier County who was injured in a sideswipe accident.

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