How Should A Driver Document An Accident?

How Should A Driver Document An Accident?

We’d all like to think that people are honest and have our best interests at heart, but this sentimentality flies out the window when it comes to vehicle accidents. You have to expect that the other driver will do anything they can to counter claims that they were driving negligently.


You have to understand the mentality of someone who has been in a car accident. The other driver will be worried about the cost of repairs and their car insurance premiums increasing. The jarring nature of a collision can cause angry reactions and fear that may result in aggression. Maybe the other driver even sees this crash as an opportunity to get compensated even if their injuries aren’t severe.

A claim’s outcome can be in their favor if they pretend that you were the negligent party. This outcome is common sense, but very few drivers take the necessary precautions to ensure their side of the story is supported by real evidence. Here are some of the essential types of documentation drivers should take after an accident:

  • Photos and videos : Luckily, most people have smartphones these days and can take as many pictures and videos of the circumstances surrounding an accident as possible. By providing this visual evidence, you can set up the scene for how road conditions or driver negligence contributed to the collision.
  • Oral statements : When the police arrive on the scene of an accident, they record each driver’s statements. Sometimes you may need to be proactive in asking to provide a comment. Make sure that you address any discrepancies in the other driver’s account.
  • Medical records : You should get medical treatment right after an accident occurs. Some injuries may take time to emerge with recognizable symptoms. It’s crucial to get a record of your injuries from an attending physician’s medical report.


If you incurred an injury during the accident, you have to anticipate what kind of treatment you may need in the future. Rehabilitation and the lost wages from an injury could mean that you need financial compensation if a negligent driver caused this damage. Explore all your options for payment.

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