Author Archives: Morgan A. Whitlock

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The Cost Of Speed: More Crashes, Injuries And Fatalities

The Cost Of Speed: More Crashes, Injuries And Fatalities

Feb 01, 2021

It isn’t difficult to see that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the economy. You can see that fewer people are commuting…

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Statistics Maryland Drivers Should Know About Aggressive Driving

Statistics Maryland Drivers Should Know About Aggressive Driving

Jan 29, 2021

There are a number of dangerous behaviors that may count toward an aggressive driving violation under Maryland law. Examples include tailgating, speeding, running traffic lights…

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How To Avoid A Low Settlement

How To Avoid A Low Settlement

Jan 25, 2021

If you have been injured as a result of the negligence of another, it is important to secure the most money possible for your claim.…

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Were You Injured In A Rideshare Accident?

Were You Injured In A Rideshare Accident?

Jan 13, 2021

Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare services deliver something many customers find valuable: a convenient and often inexpensive alternative to taxis. Maryland drivers taking advantage of…

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How To Safely Navigate Icy Roads

How To Safely Navigate Icy Roads

Jan 04, 2021

Winter is in full force in Maryland, which means that a mixture of snow and rain will settle itself on the roads throughout the next…

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Insurance Claim Denial After An Auto Accident

Insurance Claim Denial After An Auto Accident

Dec 16, 2020

After suffering an auto accident injury in Maryland, you can pursue legal compensation from the at-fault driver in court. You also have the option to…

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