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General Steps To Take After A Motor Vehicle Accident

General Steps To Take After A Motor Vehicle Accident

Sep 18, 2019

While no two motor vehicle accidents are identical in regard to the circumstances, there are general steps you can take if you find yourself in…

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Excessive Force Should Not End In Wrongful Death

Excessive Force Should Not End In Wrongful Death

Aug 12, 2019

Parents never expect to bury a child. Parents are meant to raise their children to adulthood, see them settled and live to enjoy their families…

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Motor Vehicle Accidents Responsible For Loss Of Many Young Lives

Motor Vehicle Accidents Responsible For Loss Of Many Young Lives

Jul 29, 2019

Heavy traffic on District of Columbia-area roadways in Maryland and Virginia is a significant contributor to accidental deaths in the area. The tragedy of fatal…

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Defensive Driving Could Reduce Motorcycle Accidents

Defensive Driving Could Reduce Motorcycle Accidents

Jul 18, 2019

Traffic on metropolitan Washington roadways in Virginia and Maryland continues to be severely congested. During summer months some people choose to use motorcycles as a…

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The Difference Between Circuit Court And District Court

The Difference Between Circuit Court And District Court

Jul 12, 2019

You may not have paid much attention to the descriptor of the court named in your summons. The average person likely hasn’t thought about what…

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Alcohol Frequently Contributes To Motor Vehicle Accidents

Alcohol Frequently Contributes To Motor Vehicle Accidents

Jul 04, 2019

Combining football and alcohol can result in a good time. Combining alcohol and driving seldom results in a good time. Such a combination resulted in…

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